Are You a Leader? |
Last week at work we had a four hour seminar. This was the last of a series of five classes on various topics about how to work better and more efficiently as individuals and in an organization. I work in the IT department of a non-profit and these kinds of presentation sometimes seem more like interruptions and really necessary. I try to have a good attitude to be open to see what the universe and God are telling me. Well I got a loud message this time.
For the life of me I can't remember the title of the topic because the instructor started the presentation with the question, "Is there a difference between management and leadership?" I really hadn't given that any thought before. The bottomline is that management manage processes, whereas leaders lead. I know that doesn't sound that profound, but for me God was saying something. From the time the instructor said those words until the end of the program, I heard little else. This was my take away: "management manage processes, whereas leaders lead."
Leaders on the other hand provide the purpose and direction to go in any given group of people. Who can be a leader? Actually, anyone in any situation. You can see it in a group of children on a playground, at work, in a neighborhood and almost any realm of existence. Often true leaders are not assigned as leaders, they just are leaders.
This "ah Ha!" moment for me was that God is looking for leaders, true leaders and not just managers.
In our Unification Movement, we learned to be good followers and managers. When a conference of ministers was required, we managed to pull that off. We have been good about receiving, following and executing our responsibilities. The key there is "respond" and especially in the past responding was needed. We have been followers.
What I see God asking us now is to be leaders. I think this is core to what Hyung Jin Nim is talking, preaching and working for. He doesn't want to manage us, he wants to inspire us to take ownership and leadership. This is not the, "I want to be a leader for the power and authority" kind of leadership, but "God is telling me to love and serve" kind of leadership that inspires the hearts and minds of others. Because we are all different, the realms in which we may be inspired to lead is different and therefore it means different thing to each of us. But God is asking us to lead. I think one of the most loaded questions to ask God is, "What should I be doing?" It is loaded because God will tell you if you ask. He will tell you to lead his sheep home. Just how that applies to you is unique, wonderful, exciting and the real you.
So the presenter lost me in her first opening statement. Not sure where the rest of the content went. God however found me thinking about how I can be a true leader in my family, workplace, community and beyond. I shouldn't wait to be assigned a leader, but be a leader for those God loves.
And you, how is God asking you to take responsibility and lead? It might be in your circle of friends, an organization, community or your neighborhood. You can't have a tribe without leading one. We need to lead His sheep home.
Have a great week ahead. Consider yourself hugged.
Pastor Kyle